Sunday, August 25, 2019

State Fair 2019 (First Visit) - Blue Moon Dine-in Theater

Sunday, August 25, 2019

We checked out the shops at the West End and then noticed rain clouds moving in. Dale looked at the weather radar on his phone and said that rain would arrive in about a half hour. We decided to head over to the Blue Moon Dine-In Theater where we could pick up some food and sit inside and watch cheesy movies. We both ordered the sweet corn ice cream which was topped by cayenne peanuts. I also added some caramel corn to mine.

We found seats while the movie that was showing was finishing up. The movie was Robot Monster and we only caught the last few minutes of it. I looked it up on Wikipedia and it turns out it's considered one of the worst movies of all time.

Usually they have one movie per day which they show on a loop but today was a double feature. The second movie showing was Phantom from Space. 

After reading up on this movie I gathered that, although also considered pretty cheesy, it's a step above Robot Monster. In the above photo you can see what looks like the moon in the upper left quadrant of the screen but is actually the phantom entering the atmosphere.

Here Earth people find some evidence that something is up.

The phantom revealed to the audience (photo found online). 

People of earth discover the space suit he's left behind. Dale and I usually don't spend as much time as we did with the movies they show. There was a somewhat brief but heavy downpour occurring so we decided to stay put for a while. 

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